Two weeks ago I thought I had a good handle on my life.
I thought things were goin’ good.
You know what happened next……
I got a brick upside my head.
I had no idea it was coming.
And it really hurt.
It brought up some deep wounds.
And more wounds.
Because when it rains it pours.
I could have resisted it and told myself it wasn’t a problem.
I could have eaten more peanut butter cups and taken a long nap.
But I decided to let it teach me.
I decided to let it be an opportunity to examine myself in a way I hadn’t before.
I read and studied.
I told the truth about myself.
I surround myself with wise people.
I asked my Heavenly Parents for help.
This challenge will be one I continue to work on.
But I’ve got this.
I’ve done hard before and I can do it again.
I also know I’ll come out the other side stronger, better, and more aligned with who I want to be.
Thank you life coaching.